this is a book for answer the question of the faith, there 31 chapters, everyone should learn it well.

01 Foreword | 02 Apostles' Creed | 03 only one God | 04 the name of God | 05 worship the God | 06 the heaven and the earth | 07 the human | 08 the angel | 09 the demon | 10 sacrifice to a ghost | 11 worship the ancestor | 12 worship the Buddha | 13 Adam and Eve | 14 the Lord Jesus | 15 what Jesus done on the earth | 16 Jesus died on the cross | 17 Jesus came back to life | 18 Jesus will come again (a) | 19 Jesus will come again (b) | 20 the action of the Holy Spirit | 21 the Holy Spirit loves us | 22 the book of God | 23 the truth of the God | 24 pray the God | 25 the Lord's day | 26 the heaven | 27 hell | 28 baptism | 29 Holy Communion | 30 the action of the Christian | 31 the marriage of christian